Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Meals On Wheels

A few of the placemats gathered this year
 Each year Niagara Heritage Quilters' Guild has put their sewing machines to work to make placemats that they give to the Meals on Wheels for St. Catharines & Thorold District.
Always a fun thing to do and always appreciated by those who receive them. Over the years, some of the recipients have sent a note to guild. For some this is their only Christmas "gift" that accompanies their meals.


Christmas cards are usually attached to each placemat to add a little more to the "gift". 

These pictures are a sampling of some of the placemats that have been made this year.

Some even have backs that are not Christmas related so they can be used all year round.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Community Outreach - Oct

NHQG has been very busy with community service. 


We had a challenge in the spring to make a quilt top from a mixed bag of donated fabric scraps. Thirty three wonderful tops came back and will be assembled and sent to our longarmers for quilting. 


This month alone, thirteen quilts were donated to a Womens' Shelter in Niagara Falls, while another four went to a family suffering a devastating fire.


On average we sent out approximately 60 to 80 quilts a year, all through the loving hands of our devoted guild members.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Welcome to Niagara Heritage Quilters' Guild Blog
September 17th meeting

Niagara Heritage Quilters' Guild meets the 3rd Wednesday of the months - Sep - Nov and Jan to May.

Noshi Gulati was the speaker for this month. Her trunk show is titled "Airport Security Stole My Scissors!"
She talked about how she got into quiltmaking and presented all her lovely quilts. She started with quilts that were made from pictures of quilts. She made her own patterns and used scissors to cut out the pieces that she needed to sew together to make a quilt. No rotary cutter!
How did the title of her show come to be - on one of her trips home to visit her parents in India, she took handwork. But airport security took her scissors. She overcome this obstacle and did lots of handwork while visiting.

This was our first meeting of the 2014-5 guild year. There was lots that happened at this meeting.
Stay tuned for upcoming events at the guild.